WWW Review What a waste of a hostage drama ps

WWW Review What a waste of a hostage drama ps

Hostage situations have been widely used in cinema. In the climax of the film Sholay, Dharmendra is tied up at Amjad Khan’s base and Hema Malini is made to dance. A few days ago Dhamaka directed by Ram Madhvani was also on a hostage situation. Every Hostage movie has only one objective, to kidnap the hero’s most favorite person like his girlfriend, wife or child and take him hostage and in exchange for releasing her, make the hero confess his mistake. In “Zinda”, a Hindi adaptation of the Korean film Old Boy, John Abraham keeps Sanjay Dutt in a room for many years to avenge his sister’s humiliation in high school. The lockdown had a very bad effect on the shooting of films, while some filmmakers used this limited capacity to shoot films using the computer screen as a camera. The Malayalam film ‘See You Soon’, released in 2020, is the first such film in which most of the scenes are shown through the eye of a camera mounted on a computer. On the same lines, now a Telugu film WWW (Who, Why, Where) (WWW) has been released on Amazon Prime, in which the entire film has been shot through the camera of the computer screen.

Story of WWW
The story of W W W is written by the film’s director KV Guhan. We are not going to desist from our habit of making films after being influenced by English films and once again we have created a film keeping such situations in the center which are unlikely to happen. The film’s hero Vishwa (Adit Arun) is a computer hacker who falls in love with Mitra (Shivani Rajasekhar), the roommate of his hacker friend Christy (Divya Sriprada). Vishwa tells the girl that his profession is the CEO of a recruitment company and also gets Mitra’s brother a job. As soon as both plan to meet, Modiji announces the lockdown. To avoid this, a good computer is installed in Mitra’s room and both keep on video chatting online for the whole day.

One day suddenly an unknown person enters Mitra’s room, stabs Christy and starts blackmailing Vishwa. Vishwa is forced to reveal his name and that of his hacker friends, he is asked to reveal the truth of his being a hacker to his mother. Vishwa had hacked the website of Mitra’s father’s company, due to which Mitra’s father committed suicide and his family is in trouble, this truth also comes to the fore. Slowly it is revealed that this attacker is a game designer whose data was hacked and sold by Vishwa and this designer was ruined and his wife had committed suicide, for which he is doing all this to avenge. Amidst all this, Vishwa informs Inspector Khan of the cyber cell of the police, who is looking for Vishwa and his friends, about this problem. Khan comes and rescues Mitra, takes Christy to the hospital and the man is arrested.

How is WWW?
At first the story raises a lot of hopes, but the way the film progresses, it is very boring and on top of that the actors are all very ordinary. Vishwa likes Mitra’s voice, falls in love with her painting and then falls in love with her after seeing through the computer screen. Love is on the rise but Mitra never asks what is the name of Vishwa’s recruitment company, especially when her brother gets a job through Vishwa. Vishwa is a hacker but he can only see Mitra’s Instagram account and he does not find any of her pictures on the internet. Vishwa has 2 more hacker friends, it would not have mattered if he was not in the film.

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Don’t know why a freeloader friend of Vishwa’s is also in the film. The attacker who does not seem to be educated in any way, so how can he appear to be a computer game designer? The attacker directly enters the house and starts wielding a knife, doesn’t the sound spread in the neighborhood? It was Vishwa who hacked the website of Mitra’s father’s company and his father was accused of it, due to which he committed suicide. Does a company not even know in the investigation that hacking has happened? How likely is it to meet the indirect killer of his father and fall in love with him only through the screen while Vishwa does not do anything that makes Mitra fall in love with him. Many such inconsistencies are included in the story due to which the fun of watching becomes gritty.

The entire film has been shot through the computer screen and for such an experiment, either the story is strong or the actor is strong. It is the misfortune of WWW that neither its script has power nor its actors are good. Adit Arun desperately needs to learn acting. Most of the time he is seen in the same expression. There is no difference between their restlessness and helplessness. This is Shivani Rajasekhar’s second film and despite being from a film family, her range of acting seems very small. The rest of the actors are ordinary, some are unnecessarily placed. Cyber ​​cell officer Khan does nothing except overacting.

Director KV Guhan is basically a cinematographer and this is his third attempt as a director, but neither his story nor his story telling nor his cinematography shows any specialty. He should learn from cinematographer Sabin and director Mahesh of Fahad Faasil’s film See You Soon, how to use different angles from a computer screen to make a scene different and interesting. The music is by Simon King and the film has 3 songs and 1 theme song. Nailu Nadi Dhar is a good song but the Carnatic music portion seems a bit strange. There is also a rap named Who, Why, Where, which has been used for promotion by calling it a lockdown song. Editor Tammi Raju would have something to do when the script was good. The film has been edited by submitting one shot of this screen and one shot of that screen in the shot division. Even a good editor cannot save a raw screenplay.

Instead of looking at Who, Why, Where i.e. W W W, it would be a better job to stare at a closed computer screen for two hours. For this kind of experiment, it is necessary to have the support of an experienced script writer, only the vision of the cinematographer does not make the film good.

detailed rating

story ,
screenpl ,
direction ,
music ,

Tags: Entertainment, movie review

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